DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet1. * DHS Calendar Tutorial - Example 3. * whether woman used family planning at any point in first year after most recent birth. * variable ppfp (post-partum family planning) will be * 0 = No method used in first 12 months after birth * 1 = Traditional method used in first 12 months after birth * 2 = Modern method used in first 12 months after birth. * restricted to women whose most recent birth is at least 12 months before interview * back to five years before interview. * birth1_5=1 if the woman meets these criteria. * download the model dataset for individual women's recode: "ZZIR62FL.SAV" * the model datasets are available at . * change to a working directory where the data are stored * or add the full path to the 'get file' command below. cd "C:\Data\DHS_model". * open the dataset to use, and just keep the variables we are going to use. get file="ZZIR62FL.SAV" / keep vcal$1 v000 v005 v007. * Step 3.1. * remove the leading blanks for the months after the interview. string trim_cal (a80). compute trim_cal=ltrim(vcal$1). * search for the last birth in the calendar. compute lb=char.index(trim_cal,"B"). * eligible if most recent birth is between 13 months ago and 60 months ago * equivalent to months 12-59 preceding the survey when month of interview is month 0. compute birth1_5=(lb >= 13 & lb <= 60). * extract the postpartum period after the birth. string pp1 (a80). if (birth1_5 = 1) pp1 = char.substr(trim_cal,1,lb-1). execute. * Step 3.2. * Macro to reverse a string. define !ReverseStr(!positional !tokens(1) /!positional !tokens(1)) * first parameter is old variable, second is new variable. + compute !2 = !1. + string #a (A1). + compute #l = length(rtrim(!2)). + loop #i = 1 to #l/2. + compute #j = #l - #i + 1. + compute #a = char.substr(!2,#i,1). + compute substr(!2,#i,1) = char.substr(!2,#j,1). + compute substr(!2,#j,1) = #a. + end loop. + execute. !enddefine. string pp1_rev (a80). * reverse the string for the period after the birth * so we are going forward in time from the birth. * limit to women whose most recent birth is at least 12 months before interview. !ReverseStr pp1 pp1_rev. * and then extract the first 12 months. * limit to women whose most recent birth is at least 12 months before interview. string postbirth (a12). if (birth1_5 = 1) postbirth=char.substr(pp1_rev,1,12). * Step 3.3. * see if anything happened in this 12 month period other than non-use of contraception. do if (birth1_5 = 1). + compute used_month = 1. + loop if (used_month <= 12 & char.substr(postbirth,used_month,1) = "0"). + compute used_month = used_month+1. + end loop. end if. * if no birth in the period 12-59 months preceding the survey (birth1_5 <> 1) then * reset used_month to 0 to facilitate later steps. if (birth1_5 = 0 | used_month > 12) used_month = 0. * get the method code for the method used following the pregnancy. string method_used (a1). if (used_month > 0) method_used = char.substr(postbirth,used_month,1). * something was found, but it might be a pregnancy (or possibly a termination), * if so don't count this. Births are always preceded by pregnancy, * but a termination in month 1 would not have a P preceding it. do if (used_month > 0). + if (char.index("PT",method_used) > 0) used_month = 0. + if (used_month = 0) method_used = " ". end if. * Step 3.4. * generate postpartum family planning variable, initially set to 0. if (birth1_5 = 1) ppfp=0. * update ppfp if used a method. if (used_month > 0) ppfp = 1. * search the 12 months after birth for one of the modern methods. * the list of codes below (in the 'strpos' function) are survey specific * and should be adapted for each survey. * in particular codes "E", "M", and "S" may have been traditional methods in older surveys, * but are now standard codes for Emergency contraception, Other modern methods, * and Standard days method. * also note that "L" (LAM) could be excluded because it is only valid within 6 months after birth. do if (used_month > 0). + if (char.index("1234567LNCFEMS",method_used) > 0) ppfp = 2. end if. execute. * label the ppfp variable. variable labels ppfp "Used modern method within 12 months of birth". value labels ppfp 0 "no method used" 1 "traditional method used" 2 "modern method used". * Step 3.5. * weight the data and tabulate. compute wt=v005/1000000. weight by wt. filter by birth1_5. frequencies variables=ppfp. Frequencies Notes |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |Output Created |31-AUG-2017 01:15:22 | |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |Comments | | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |Input |Filter |birth1_5 | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | |Weight |wt | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | |Split File | | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | |N of Rows in Working Data File|3003 | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |Missing Value Handling|Definition of Missing |User-defined missing values are treated as missing.| | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | |Cases Used |Statistics are based on all cases with valid data. | |-----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |Syntax |frequencies variables=ppfp. | |----------------------|------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |Resources |Processor Time |00:00:00.02 | | |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------| | |Elapsed Time |00:00:00.01 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Statistics ppfp Used modern method within 12 months of birth |-|-------|----| |N|Valid |2930| | |-------|----| | |Missing|0 | |--------------| ppfp Used modern method within 12 months of birth |-----------------------------|---------|-------|-------------|------------------| | |Frequency|Percent|Valid Percent|Cumulative Percent| |-----|-----------------------|---------|-------|-------------|------------------| |Valid|no method used |2634 |89.9 |89.9 |89.9 | | |-----------------------|---------|-------|-------------|------------------| | |traditional method used|25 |.8 |.8 |90.7 | | |-----------------------|---------|-------|-------------|------------------| | |modern method used |272 |9.3 |9.3 |100.0 | | |-----------------------|---------|-------|-------------|------------------| | |Total |2930 |100.0 |100.0 | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| filter off.